This is a story we read in class today written by Octavia Butler. It's a strange little science fiction tale where we find humans living in a parasitic relationship with an alien species. Rather than being presented with a humanoid alien of the sort that we're used to seeing in science fiction, it is a bug-like creature that sounds like a cross between a cockroach and a centipede. A really large bug at that, one who lays its eggs inside its chosen human. The downside for the humans is that if the larvae aren't removed in time, they will devour their host.
Three questions were presented to us upon having read the story.
1) Are there any prominent symbols in the story? If so, what are they and how are they used?
2) What connections did you make with the story? Discuss the elements with which you were able to connect.
3) What changes would you make to adapt this story into another medium? What medium would you use? What changes would you make?
I think it's safe to say that the question wouldn't have been asked if the answer was no. Certainly in light of the fact that there are follow up questions. As to the first question, I think the most obvious symbol is that of the egg. As we are introduced to the characters of the story, they are all sitting around their benefactor eating a sterile egg. The effects of the egg induce a euphoric state that is probably akin to being high. The only one not partaking in the egg is the mother of the human children; at least not initially and not of her own will. Then there is the laying of eggs in the hapless human, Lomas, who is in danger of being eaten alive by the young inside of him and Gan's witness of the "birth." At the end, eggs are implanted into Gan.
I didn't really make any personal connections with the story. If anything, I would say that I could probably connect with Gan's desire to protect his sister from having T'Gatoi lay an egg inside of her. I can also relate to his relationship with his older brother, even though I'm the eldest child. There is still a realistic interpretation on the artist's part in showing us their relationship that calls to mind interactions between my own brothers. Gan also takes responsibility onto himself that protects his mother and the rest of his family.
If I were to change this story into another medium I would choose computer animation, since that would allow me to create the creatures as I see them without any limitations or restrictions. I would change the story so that it was just between T'Gatoi, Gan, and his mother. I think the other siblings get in the way of the story and they don't really add anything that couldn't be substituted by the mother. T'Gatoi could have said she was going to lay her eggs inside his mother which could have elicited the same response in Gan. Also, having the older brother be witness to a birthing gone wrong isn't necessary since Gan sees a birthing gone wrong for himself. It would simplify the story without losing any of its interest. Of course, one could argue that the siblings give some humanity to the main character but I don't know that the same effect couldn't be achieved with the mother.
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